I have recently had the opportunity to read Level Up To Move Up – The Three Forces in Achieving Excellence, by Elizabeth Batalla. Have you ever felt like you are stuck in a job where you are underappreciated and underpaid? Do you feel like your […]
Category: Tips For Moms
9 Useful Baby Napping Tips Worth Knowing
In today’s post, I am sharing nine useful baby napping tips that could help your baby sleep better. Babies sleep a lot and it is completely normal. Often parents struggle to get their little one to fall asleep and stay asleep for at least more […]
6 Time-Management Tips For Busy Moms That Work!
In today’s post, I will be sharing six time-management tips for busy moms. No matter whether you’re a working mom, stay-at-home mom, or simply just a busy mom, we all can do with a few tips to manage our time better. I must say I […]
5 Things That Helped me Through Difficult Times in 2021
So another year has reached its end and we are starting 2022. Today I will be reflecting on last year and share 5 things that helped me through difficult times in 2021. First, I would like to wish you all a happy and prosperous new […]
8 Tips For Reaching New Year’s Goals & Reflecting Upon 2020
Before I share my tips for reaching your new year’s goals, I want to first reflect on the past year. Boy, what a whirlwind of a year 2020 was. I don’t know if it is just me, but the older I get, the quicker each […]
5 Inexpensive ways to celebrate Christmas as a family
In this post, I will be sharing five inexpensive ways to celebrate Christmas without breaking the bank. The holidays are upon us and it is that magical time of the year when we spend time with loved ones, exchange gifts, decorate Christmas trees, but most […]