Before we start exploring the best essential oils for migraines, let me first tell you a bit more about essential oils. What are essential oils? Essential oils are made with the stems, bark, leaves, roots, and other plant-based components and are highly concentrated. You’ve probably […]
Tag: #healthyhabits
7 Healthy pregnancy guidelines to curb morning sickness
In this post, I would like to share six healthy pregnancy guidelines to help curb morning sickness. Morning sickness is not pretty and is a common symptom during your first trimester, starting around six weeks of pregnancy. Morning sickness does not strike necessarily in the […]
7 Healthy cooking oils and the best uses for them
Today, I will be sharing 7 healthy cooking oils that you can incorporate into your meal preparations with some information on their uses and benefits. Cooking oils are the basis for preparing most of our favorite meals and play an essential role in preparation techniques […]
So-called healthy foods that contain hidden sugars you should be aware of
Did you know a lot of the so-called healthy foods and drinks you buy are not so healthy at all. In this post I’ll be sharing some presumably healthy foods that contain hidden sugars that you are probably blissfully unaware of. When we start following […]
3 Mindful weight loss habits to lose weight and keep it off
In this post I will be sharing five mindful weight loss habits to lose weight and keep it off. I’ve had a battle with my weight since I was only a teenager. I’ve tried many different diets and exercise methods, but I never managed to […]