12 Signs You Will Go Into Labor Soon

Are you currently pregnant, and your baby’s due date is approaching, but you’re not sure what to expect? Here are a few tell-tale signs you will go into labor soon.

What Are The Signs You Will Go Into Labor Soon?

Labor essentially refers to the natural process of giving birth. Usually, it begins with the onset of steady contractions, which proceed throughout the delivery of your placenta and little one. Some women will show noticeable signs of labor, while it’s not necessarily the case with others. The exact cause of labor starting or when it will begin is unknown; however, specific physical changes and hormonal fluctuations your body undergoes are relatively good indications that your body is going into labor.

12 Signs You Will Go Into Labor Soon

signs you will go into labor soon

1. “Lightening” During Labor

Towards the end of your labor term, your baby settles lower into your pelvis before going into labor – a process that’s called lightening. Some also refer to it as the baby “dropping.” Lightening can occur a few hours or even a few weeks before going into labor. Because your uterus is placing added pressure on your bladder after lightening, you will need to urinate more frequently. However, some good news is that the additional room in your upper belly might offer relief for heartburn and make breathing easier.

2. Passing The Mucus Plug

The mucus plug amasses at the cervix when you are pregnant. Once it opens wider, the mucus will discharge into your vagina. It is usually slightly bloody, clear, or pink, and you might go into labor soon after the mucus plug passed or within a week or two.

3. You Will Start Having Contractions

Contractions are muscles in your uterus that tighten, making your abdomen hard. Between these contractions, the muscles relax, and your abdomen becomes soft again. Not all women or pregnancies are the same, so, for some women, contractions might feel worse or less painful. Labor contractions are generally a dull ache in your lower belly and back, along with compression in your pelvis.  These contractions are wave-like movements running from the top to the bottom of the uterus. For some women, it feels similar to menstrual cramps, and although they may cause discomfort, you will be able to relax in between them.

Related: Pregnancy – The Fourth Trimester

4. Diarrhea

As you near labor, your stools might be loose and watery and while you might find it strange, this is usually a sign that labor is 1-2 days away.

5. Back Pain and Cramps

It is not unusual to have back pain when you’re expecting it because it could be the result of added pressure on your belly muscles and back or a change in your posture. You can try massage, cold, or heat packs to offer relief. Back pain can also be part of your contractions when you’ve gone into labor. It generally spreads from the back to the front of your body. Identifying contractions is not always easy, especially if this is your first pregnancy. You might experience lower back pain or menstrual-like cramps that come and go.

6. Losing Weight

It is normal to put on some weight when you’re pregnant. This is the one time when you have a good excuse for weight gain. Remember, you are growing a human inside you. It is vital to follow a balanced and nutritious eating plan while expecting so that you and your baby get the necessary nutrients needed for your baby’s development. It is also normal for some women to lose a few pounds during the last few days before giving birth.

7. Your Nesting Instinct Kicks In

The nesting instinct generally kicks in just before it’s time for your little one to arrive. It refers to the urge you have to organize and get things in place for baby’s arrival. During this time, you usually feel less tired with a burst of energy that allows you to do some cleaning, cooking, and shopping for baby essentials, of course. Just remember not to overdo it because giving birth is going to take a ton of energy.

8. A Change in Your Baby’s Movement

Your baby might move around less once your due date gets closer. But to be on the safe side, it’s good to speak to your doctor to make sure it’s not a sign of a complication or something wrong with the baby.

9. Your Joints are Looser

When you’ve reached almost the end of your pregnancy, you will start waddling, which is generally a sign that your body is preparing for birth. Relaxin is a hormone that helps loosen the ligaments around the pelvis to make it less tricky for your baby to pass through.

10. Your Water Breaks

The amniotic membrane, which is a fluid-filled sac around your baby during pregnancy often ruptures before getting to the hospital. This is called your water breaking, a sure sign of approaching labor. It will either be a slow trickle of fluid that steadily leaks or a quick gush of fluid that is generally straw-colored or odorless. When your water breaks, pay attention to the time, the amount of fluid leaked, and the appearance. This information can be highly helpful once your doctor arrives. He will tell you what will happen next. Not all pregnant women’s water breaks – in some cases, the healthcare physician will break the amniotic membrane once you’re in hospital.

11. Effacement

When your body is getting ready for labor, the cervix thins and gets shorter to open and stretch around the baby’s head – this is called effacement. When your doctor does a pelvic examination, he can tell if your cervix has changed. Measurement of the effaced cervix is done in percentages. For example, if your cervix is 100% effaced, it means it is completely thinned out in preparation for birth.

12. Cervix Dilation

When your cervix stretches and opens, it is called dilation. Efficient uterine contractions are what lead to effacement and dilation. Dilation is measured in centimeters. In order for the baby to be able to pass through your vagina, the cervix must have thinned (effacement) and opened (dilation). Some emotional signs of labor you might experience include impatience, anxiety, mood swings, and irritability. Many women also experience Braxton Hicks (false labor) contractions. These are also described as a tightening in the abdomen that come and go, but there are a few differences between true and false labor contractions.

But how do you know you are in true labor?

Distinctions Between False and True Labor

Characteristics of Contractions False Labor True Labor
Frequency of contractions? Contractions are generally not regular and do not become closer together as your body is nearing birth. Contractions happen at consistent intervals and generally last for 30-70 seconds. They get closer together once your body get’s closer to birth.
Do the contractions change with movement? The contractions may cease when you rest, walk, or change positions.  The contractions continue even if you change positions or move around. 
How strong are the contractions? Contractions are generally weak and do not intensify much. They might also be strong at first but then get weaker. Contractions steadily intensify in strength.
Where is the pain felt? Usually in the front of your belly or pelvic area. Contractions begin in your lower back and move towards the front of your belly.

Once you suspect you are in labor, begin timing your contractions and write down when they start and stop. The time lapsed between contractions and the contraction length is vital information that signals how close you are to give birth. You can also use a contraction timer app to keep track of your contractions. When you are having stronger contractions that happen 3-4 minutes apart and last for 45-60 minutes, it is a sign that you are in active labor. This is the time you should get to the hospital.

How Do You Know It’s Time To Get To Hospital?

When you suspect you are in true labor, immediately phone your doctor, but also call when:

  • You suspect your water broke.
  • When the baby moves less than usual.
  • You are spotting or bleeding.
  • When you’re experiencing painful contractions that are five minutes apart for the past hour.
  • If you notice any signs of labor but are only in your 37th week of pregnancy. This could signal early labor before your baby is ready for birth – in such a case, call your doctor right away.

Final Thoughts

I hope you have enjoyed reading my post about signs you are entering labor soon. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and enjoy every moment. Before you know it, you will have reached the end of your third trimester and your little one will join your household.

Remember to be good to yourself and get plenty of rest.

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